Monday 23 September 2013

Casting Off

I thought I'd best address the question of why 'Jo Casts Off'. (You weren't asking? Oh, well). There were four reasons for the title:

  1. Quite literally, the casts came off my feet.
  2. I knit. A lot. I might share some pictures of my knitting or even some of my favourite patterns. So if you came here because you were doing a knitting related search, you might want to stick around. Possibly.
  3. I feel like I'm casting off into a new stage of my life. I have no idea where I'm going to end up going, so a nautical image of casting off to set sail feels apt.
  4. I can't resist puns and language games. You're forewarned.
Today I am mostly focusing on point 3, by not going anywhere. I have a lot of work to do to complete my PhD, so I have been at my desk since early this morning and will be til late tonight. 

In the mean time, I'm trying not to drive myself crazy waiting for word on how my recent job application went. I know these things take time, but the degree to which I need and want this job is not helping me be patient. There's something quite vulnerable about setting out what you think are your best qualities and then waiting to find out whether you are good enough to be interviewed. While waiting, I oscillate between despair and bright-eyed hope. Shame you can't package and sell that.

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